Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Pope's Worst Enemies are Catholics

The Pope's Worst Enemies are Catholics

From a blog by Damian Thompson:

It's payback time for Pope Benedict XVI's most dedicated enemies, who are not militant secularists, hate-crazed Muslims, diehard Protestants or the liberal media. The people who most dislike the Pope are Catholics, or people who have the nerve to describe themselves as such.

The Pope needs to be protected from Catholics

We learned this morning that "Vatican insiders" consider Benedict XVI "a disaster". It's true. They do think that. He's a disaster for them, and their determination to turn the Catholic Church into a touchy-feely forum in which uncomfortable teachings and traditions are "modernised" to impress non-Catholics. Until the Williamson affair, the media weren't sufficiently interested in attacking Benedict XVI to be useful. But now, after that own goal... YES!!!

Read the entire blog here

Thompson goes on to quote Milsaps Professor and 'Catholic' Robert McElvaine:

After insulting Muslims by declaring in 2006 that Muhammad had brought "things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached," after reiterating (through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) in 2008 that the subject of the ordination of women is not even open for discussion and declaring that anyone involved with the ordination of women will be automatically excommunicated, after lifting in January of this year the excommunication of Holocaust-denier Richard Williamson, now Benedict XVI opens a visit to Africa by telling the people of a continent decimated by AIDS that the distribution of condoms "increases the problem" of the spread of AIDS. I am a Catholic and the idea that such a man is God's spokesperson on earth is absurd to me."

To McElvaine and other so-called "Catholics" I'd simply say "The Catholic Church does not exist to serve your needs as you voice them. It exists to preach the Gospels, feed the hungry, help the needy,free the oppressed and maintain the teaching of Jesus as the path to unity with our loving God.

Pray for our Pope and pray for those who attack the Church from within!

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